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  • Mon - Sat: 9.00 to 18.00

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Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (Subclass 186)

Applicant can be inside or outside Australia, if in Australia applicant must hold substantive visa or related bridging visa (subclass 186).

Processing time: 4-12 months;
Age: under 45 years
Must have skill in SOL, 3 years of experience, and a valid positive skill assessment and an approved employer to sponsor.

Applicant must be a holder of 457/494 or 482 subclass of visa and must have worked for that employer for 3 years. Cost and other benefits and requirements are nearly the same as 186 and 187 subclass visas.

Direct entry stream: this visa is granted to applicants nominated by SBS employer.
Temporary residence transition stream: applicants holding and worked for 3 years under 457 and 482 visa can apply under this stream if nominated by the same employer in most cases.
Labor agreement stream: the standard business sponsor must have a labor agreement with the government and that occupation is mentioned in that agreement.


This visa along with RSMS, short-skill visa, Designated area migration scheme and others assists the skill shortage in Australia. In General skill migration applicant is the Centre of focus whereas, in ENS needs of an Australian established business is the prime focus.


Stage 1: Approval for business to become a sponsor:  Criteria for approval of sponsor [r2.59 to r2.60S]

·        Evidence is required to prove that the business is lawfully operating business and has a good record and regard to Australian laws.

·        Proof that Australian workforce is not neglected and that the position is genuine and is not a created one. Evidenced commitment to train the workforce (SAF LEVY.)

·        Financial documents like tax assessments and business evaluation for its gross and net asset worth.

·        Business plan or its future expansion vision draft, increase in business activity documents/evidence.


Stage 2: Nomination of the applicant

·        Nominations [r2.70 to r2.75A] to fill one of the short skill occupation positions

·        After approval of sponsorship business can nominate a candidate from overseas in his short skill position. In 186 sponsorship obligations are not required to nominate an applicant whereas, for 482/457 visa it is a mandatory requirement.

·        Nominee must hold relevant license/registration if required by their profession.

·        Nominated position must be available for at least two years, and position can be anywhere in Australia.

·        Employment must be full-time or 35 hours/week, Applicant also certifies that he has a genuine intention to fill the position for at least 2 years.

·        Employers must submit a copy of the proposed contract. Also, provides evidence that he can financially support/pay his employee for 2 years at least. Documents must be provided by a chartered accountant, professional/ fellow professional National Accountant to meet the financial capacity requirement criteria.

·        Terms and conditions of work must be attached with the application like, pay, hours of work, rotating roster, or other expectations from the employee.

·        Employer has the obligation to pay according to the annual market salary rate for that position in that region, in Australia. (Fair work act/ Enterprise act) (www.fairwork.gov.au)

·        Labor market testing needs to be done before nomination.


Nomination Categories

·        Temporary residence transition (TRT) stream is a pathway to permanent residency for 482/457 visa subclass holder candidates who are working with the entity that Is nominating them for PR.

·        Direct Entry (DE) Stream allows businesses to employ overseas employees, along with those 482/457 candidates who do not qualify under the temporary residence transition stream.

·        The Labor Agreement Stream provides a pathway to permanent residency for employers who have negotiated a labor agreement with the government which includes access to a permanent visa pathway.


Stage 3: Visa application process

·        The application process includes:

·        Educational documents

·        Skill Assessment positive outcome report not older than 3 years

·        Evidence of meeting English requirement report must not be older than 3 years.

·        Evidence of registration or license requirement

·        Work experience supporting documents, must work in the nominated occupation for the nominating employee.

·        Approved nomination from employer and application must be made within 6 months of nomination approval.

·        Occupation is on the skill occupation list. Age requirement is 45 unless exempted. 

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